Traveling has always been my thing. When I left my abuser, they walked me to the car I was taking to the airport.
“Are you sure you can do this by yourself? You can’t take care of him on your own. We can make this better.”
They didn’t know I had 2 passports in my bag and freedom at my fingertips.
Hey friends. I’m Lindsay. I’m a LGBTQ+ mama, lover of adventure and domestic abuse survivor. My escape and survival is what drives my passion
to help others walking this journey.
I’m glad you’re here.
Everyone has a story to tell. I share mine through social media channels and my blog. My hope in sharing is to help others find their voice, escape their abuser and live a life they love.

4 years ago today my best little pal was suddenly, violently taken from me.
She was always by my side. She was with me through so many big changes. She’s the one who woke up with me every night, multiple times to nurse my baby. When I was sick, she was there. And then she wasn’t.
I couldn’t save her. I couldn’t keep her safe. I couldn’t have predicted what happened to her.
I also couldn’t have predicted that her death was the catalyst to the start of my abusive relationship.
This day is so hard for me. It’s the loss of my sweet girl. It was the start of the deepest grief and the start of the loss of myself and my life as I knew it as my abuser moved in on us.
Today we will remember Millie and how special she was. We will have a special treat in her honor.
Will you have a special treat for her with us?
#singlemom #petloss #rainbowbridge #yorkiesofinstagram #griefjourney #griefandloss #healingjourney #dvsurvivor

This video is for all the abuse survivors who lost their ability to make choices or do things they enjoy. Who forgot who they are. For the people pleasers who’ve spent their lives making other people happy at the expense of their own happiness. For the ones society has convinced they have to live a certain way and anything outside that is selfish, wrong, or weird.
Whatever it is for you, do it. Do it for you.
#travelmom #singlemom #healingjourney #dvsurvivor #travelwithkids #singlemomtravel #dowhatmakesyouhappy

OK we only spent the day here but this city has sky rocketed into one of my favorite European cities.
It’s beautiful. Full of history. Good food. Walkable. The hot chocolate is the cone of your head. What more could you want?
I would definitely come back for another visit!
What’s your favorite European city?
#travelmom #travelwithkids #singlemom #singlemomtravel #europewithkids #bruges #brugesbelgium #brugge

This is always important but on single parent vacation it can be TOUGH. You’re together 24/7. No one is coming to get them a bath or do some dishes or help you pack up all the crap you’re lugging around.
For me, the hardest times are when I have to pack up and he’s moving like a sloth. I get agitated and I have a feeling he gets anxious because we are going to a new place. I always try to explain to him where we are going, give him plenty of warning, and even show him pictures (don’t have to do this when we go to Spain because he knows he loves it there).
I also try to pack things up beforehand so I don’t get overwhelmed. He can help some but he can’t lug heavy bags down 3 flights of winding stairs.
But there have been mornings when both of us get overwhelmed and there’s a moment it looks like it’s all going south. I know I don’t want him to be treated the way many of us were treated when our parents got dysregulated.
We’ve worked so hard on this. We are both human. We both understand this. We look at each other and hold our arms out and say “let’s calm down together” and after we reset, we try again.
If only our parents had had this skill.
#gentleparenting #reparenting #singlemom #singlemomtravel #travelwithkids #healingjourney